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Table of  contents

Nostradamus - originals
Prognosticon 1560 (German)
Pronostication nouvelle 1562
Propheties 1568 Lyon

Guillaume Thonnaz
my 3 Nostradamus - books
Reviews on my books
Propheties - comparisons
Short analysis to the editions
Orus Apollo
Orus Apollo - comparison
The Orus Apollo - manuscript
Leoninic verses
Scaliger & Nostradamus
Index & poulse
The Nostradamus grave plate

Pages under construction !
Maldoner - Malthaner
Zannoth & Fritz

Web - Links

The tables of contents to the writings of Nostradamus
© by Guillaume Thonnaz 2005

Index & poulse parfondera le front
Index & pulse (tact, rhythm) will justify the beginning

This writes Nostradamus in the 10. Centurie verse 8 !
A very clear note for that person, which did read everything of the texts of the master and understood also some about it.
Three further clear references I have placed as motto in front of my 2. book "the system of the master".
En hierarchie n'en fut oncq vn pareil.                                                   8.53d
    An arrangement (od. ranking) not there was never something similar.
Et descouuert sera soubz sa ramée.                                                     4.62d
    And will be uncovered under his guidance (od. rudder, control).
Et passera terme de cauilleux.                                                            Pre.64d
     And overcome will the border of nicety (or craftiness)
At the present time of  Nostradamus, a time of constant "circulations" and reformations of the large religions, it was very dangerous to make prophecies and forecasts, which could possibly harm the reputation of the church or the state. Already his grandfather had to convert from the Jew to the catholic faith, "to be protected" in order to be able to live in France.
Nostradamus was carefully and nearly everything of his writings, whether Almanach or Prognostications, always was very flatterful dedicated to the aristocratic dominion and so already a large part of critics have been set "exept combat ". Only the 1. Part of the prophecies, which he wrote 1554, are dedicated to his 1. son Caesar, - which was probably born in December 1553 -, the 2. Part he dedicates already again to his king "Henry Roy de France second"!
The apparent more or less senseless and incomprehensible Quatrains of the master, had only a completely determined purpose: they should divert the reader from the true contents of his writings and also only therefore he so often stressed that his inspirations came from God.

If one wants to hide a certain text, then he must "code" him somehow and in addition there are innumerable possibilities, as the cryptology and number magic of the Kabbala proves us.
That his texts are coded, to it there cannot be a doubt in my opinion, even if there are likewise as many opponents such as proponents of this opinion.
If the following sentence - "car la parole hereditaire de l'occulte prediction sera dans mon estomach intercluse" - from the preface to Caesar is not sufficient, in order to refer and make attentive to the "hidden or secret forecast", then are all more distant explanations anyway sense- and useless !
But there is still another further reference of the master in the preface to his son :
 i'ay composé liures de propheties contenant chascun cent quatrains astronomiques de propheties, lesquelles i'ay vn peu voulu raboter obscurement: & sont perpetuelles vaticinations, pour d'yci à l'an 3797. Que possible fera retirer le front à quelques vns en voyant si longue extension, ...
Here he says that he arranged books with prophecies, written - everyone with astronomical Quatrains -, and this revised or planed then in a "strange way". If possible he removed also still the "beginning" of some !
So he coded nothing !

In principle one can differentiate between two kinds of the "coding":
1. a "illegible text" from an apparent senseless "letter or number tangle" = cryptology, or
2. a quite readable and understandable text, in however "under the visible surface" another text is hidden = Steganography !
Now the master decided for this second possibility and herefor he developed "perfection".
For deception he wrote puzzling Quatrains with numbers and divided these also into 10 or 12 chapters - named "Centuries" -.
A perfect hiding place for an operating instruction to the Steganography used by him.

He knew exactly that with cryptography, by a clearly recognizable letter or numbers - tangle, immediately someone would try to decipher this tangle. With the Steganography used by him looks the whole thing differently, because nobody assumes a hidden text there.
Have themselves many interpreters already endeavors the confused and chopped off verse lines to decipher and interpret, but most failed pitifully.

I do not want to repeat here the detailed explanations to this topic from my 2. book, but only represent the differences between a "normal" table of contents and "the special index of the master".

The first Table of contents
we find from him self in his writings from the "recipe book" of 1552 - "Excellent & moult..." it is very detailed and covers 11 pages.
He states there 67 sections or chapters:
    8  of them start with "Autre"
    3  start with "Vn autre",
    4  start with "La",
    6  diverse
    46 start with "Pour" !
Already here this amassment of the same start of line should give to think !
Was he so more badly a "writer or an author" that only constant "repetitions" occurred to him ?
One could have also easily changed the sentences over !

Strange to say there is so far no original expenditure of the "Propheties" with an index.
But is noticeable in the manuscript of the "Orus Apollo" and also with the "Galen" in each case is a verse,
in the case of which the first letters - perpendicularly read - results in his name "NOSTRADAMUS"!

This verse form "Akrostychon" named, comes also from the Steganography !

here in "Horapollo" :
Nous demonstrer voulant le rauisseur
Ou roy tyran de son peuple ennemy
Seulement quayme flateurs et aportent
Tenent ouuert lhuys comme a son amy
Record de ce ilz faisoient paingdre en my
Aiant la gueulle ouuerte pres du ventre
Du crocodille et Trochillus qui entre
a tout son bec lui oustant les sangsues
Mais crocodille par plesance consue
Vient hors chasser loyseau qui puis i rentre
Sens mal luy fere de ses dens si crochues.
and in the  "Galen" :
Ne viendra lon donner l'aspre bataille,
Ou faire guerre comme ennemis, par main:
Sus platz pourtans ne fraperont de taille,
Tout cela n'est pour fraper que cas vain:
Rien pourroit il des piedz lagil & sain,
A deschasser ennemis des cités:
De tout cela ne sont que vanités,
A mon aduis nulz seroient excités,
Mesmes quant biẽ tous ces gents ie cognois:
Vain feutz tout quant à la verité,
Si lon voyoit par lors luyre lharnois.
Should that be a further reference of him that one must pay attention to the "start of line", that the letters at the beginning of a line are crucial ?
Now "none" apparent understood till today this reference !

In the Almanach for 1562, which he dedicates to the Pope Pius IV, there are 3 further references:

1.   a moon calendar for the individual zodiac indication:
En Aries est bon d'aller aux estuues, mais non point tondre la teste.
En Taurus est bon de enter, planter arbres & vignes, & semer.
En Gemini lon se doibt garder de seigneur.
En Cancer est bon de prēdre medecine electuaire, bon se baigner & coupper les ongles.
En Leo lon ce doibt garder de prendre medecine qui fait vomir.
En Virgo est bon de labourer la terre, semer, plāter arbres & vignes, & aussi de coupper les ongles.
En Libra lō se doibt garder de luxure, de couper cheueux & ongles.
En Scorpio il est bon de se purger par breuuaige, garde toy de nager en l'eaue.
En Sagitaire estuues seiches sont bonnes de nettoyer playes, de tailler & coupper membres gastez.
En Aquarius il faict bon labourer la terre, planter vignes, coupper les cheueulx.
En Pisces il est bō de prēdre breuuaige & pillures, tailler playes. Il n'est pas bō de medeciner les pieds.
2.   the signs of thunderstorms in the different months:
S'il commence à tonner au moys de Ianuier, il signifie grand vent, abondance de fruictz, & bataille en celuy an.
      Notez que Leopolde, filz du Duc d'Austriche, dict au .vj. traicté de son introduction (parlant du tonnoirre) que
s'il tonne au dixiesme signe, que la signification du tonnoirre faict au premier signe est nulle & de nul effect.
S'il tonne en Feurier, signifie grand' mortalité, c'est à scauoir de riches.
S'il tonne en Mars, signifie grand vent, & peu de fruictz, & tention l' vn de l'autre.
S'il tonne en Auril, signifie grand ioye, & planté de fruictz.
S'il tonne en May, signifie peu de fruictz, & famine en celuy an.
S'il tōne en Iuin, signifie abondāce de bledz, pource aux mourant.
S'il tōne en Aoust, signifie prosperité de ioye, & maintes gens seront malades en celuy an.
S'il tonne en Septembre, signifie planté de fruictz & de bledz, occision de riches hommes, & charges d'arbres.
S'il tonne en Octobre, signifie grands vens & grand planté de pluyes, & chartez de fruictz en celuy an.
S'il tonne en Nouembre, signifie planté de bledz, & concorde de longue paix.
S'il tonne en Decembre, signifie planté de fruictz en celuy an.
3.   now the list of the celebrations follows to Lyon, and the areas of  France.
La premiere le premier lundy d'apres les Roys.
La seconde le lundy d'apres Quasimodo.
La troisiesme commēce le quatriesme iour d'Aoust.
La quatriesme le quatriesme iour de Nouēbre, & durent lesdictes foyres chascune quinze iours ouurables.
La foyre du Landit de Paris, commēce le prochain mercredy de sainct Barnabe, & fine la vueille sainct Iean Baptiste.
La foyre sainct Germain des prez commence le lendemain de la chandeleur.
Le pardō sainct Denys est tousiours le iour sainct Mathias qui est le xxiiij. iour de Feurier.
La foyre sainct Denis en Frāce cōmence le dixiesme d'Octobre.
La foyre de la Guibray cōmence le mercredy d'apres lamy Aoust.
       Les foyres d'Anuers.
La premiere commence le mercredy d'apres la pēthecouste: & dure six sepmaines.
La seconde commēce le neufiesme de Septembre: & dure six sepmaines.
       Les foyres de Bourges.
La premiere commēce le premier iour de Iuin.
La seconde commence le premier iour ouurable d'apres la sainct Ambroise, qui est le xxj. iour de d'Octobre.
La foyre de Compiengne commēce le lundy de lamy karesme: & dure quinze iours.
La foyre de Laon commence tousiours le premier lundy d'apres le premier iour de L'an.
Naturally can "one" say the fact that this are "completely normal" enumeratings and have no meaning, but why is then non of  them to find in each of his yearbooks ?

The first table of contents over the Quatrains supplies "J.A. Chavigny" 1594 to us within his "Janus", where he alphabetically states the verses with the page numbers, quoted by him from the yearbooks and Centuries.
In this book the verses of the Presages from the yearbooks and the verses from the Centuries are together in one index  registered. For the reason that he only indicates the pages numbers, we recognize no difference between the Quatrains, it is a uniform text.
With his next book concerning the "Pleiaden" Chavigny quotes 1603 further Quatrains, but he supplies only one listing of the aforementioned authors and not the quoted verses.

The next, so far admitted, table of contents over the Quatrains supplies to us Jean Volcker 1689 in his complete-edition of the prophecies. Here we find now also the, from Vincent Seve 1605 for the first time published "Sixains" = sixliners, as Centurie 11admitted, as well as up to the time additions of other authors, in one index integrated.
In order to note not all verses - which begin with the same words - he stated only the first 2 or 3 words in his index and then he noted several Centuries and verse numbers.
With the "ABC" he had apparent difficulties, there the individual lines only after the 1. letters alphabetically, but then are arranged among themselves arbitrarily multicolored !

In the photocopy from Karl Ernst Krafft 1940 we find the next index, which he presumable copied from the J. Volcker-edition 1689 and he just made some
He brings now a listing of all verses of the 1568 edition of Benoist Rigaud from Lyon. Only he surveyed with the fact that he copied a few numbers too much, which are not contained in his edition.
He solves the problem of the "repetitions of words" by the fact that he, several times among themselves standing words, by one or more hyphens (- - -) replaces !
Now the many same starts of line are not noticeable any longer in such a way, in addition the "marked gaps" should give us to thinking !

During my research I have made now from the editions1555 pdf-datei + 1568 + sup. pdf-datei + Presages pdf-datei + Sixains pdf-datei in each case an index of the individual verses and the entire lines of the verses and the result is "astonishing"!
Only here clearly one recognizes how many lines begins with the same words !

If one regards now the listings made by me of the individual expenditures, then one recognizes that the words at the start of line are not evenly distributed on all expenditures, but that individual lines are limited to certain expenditures.
It continues to be noticeable that those verse - lines from yearbooks and Centuries perfectly fit together !
Also the lines of the usually as falsification marked "Sixains" fit suddenly into the total listing and supplement the text already existing.
The total expenditure of 1568 contains 942 verses and as we have 58 verses here to possibly fill up to those of the "thousands" ? !
The 58 Sixains result in 348 lines and these again in exactly 87 Quatrains !
Should this "Sixains" be the remnants of notes of the master, i.e. "undivided" Quatrains ?
Or were they held back by him "intentionally" ?
It is already strange, that the only line, which begins with two "aa's" is to be found not in the Centuries or yearbooks, but in the Sixains !
            Aage escarboucle, & à la fin famine.
Whereby in the original was written probably here 3x "A" , in order to certainly bring this line to the beginning from the index :
            A aage escarboucle, & à la fin famine.
Into the Centuries the word "aage" 8x is used, as well as 1x in the preface at Caesar, 2x in the letter at Henri, 1x in the Horapollo and 2x into the Sixains.
In the "Galen" it is written 3x as "eage" and within the Quatrains it appears in such a way 2x in the 10. Centurie, 2x in the 2. preface and 3x in the "Horapollo".
This is however now only "one" of the many "wrong" written words of the Nostradamus, because also to his time one already wrote the "age" with one "A".

But now let us look at a few "verses" of the master:
The lines marked with an * (star) are from later expenditures and possibly the way of writing of the master "is corrected", i.e. changed !

Accompagné de la classe Libyque
Accompagné de nuict que trois & six.
Accompagné de plusieurs putains blesmes
Accompaigné de ceux d'Aquilon,
Accompaigné d'Ostun & Lyonnois:
Accompaigné d’ vne langue diserte:
Accompaignez d'estranges nations:
Here are all lines from the Centuries !

Amas s'approche venant d'Esclauonie,
Ambassadeur pour vne Dame,*
Ambassadeurs de la Toscane langue,
Ambassadeurs mespriseront leur vie:
Ambassadeur viendra de Perse,*
Here we have  3x the Centuries and 2x Sixains !

Apres victoire à captifs pardonner,
Apres victoire de l'Insubre champaigne:
Apres victoire de rabieuse langue,
Apres victoire du Lyon au Lyon
4x Centuries !

A son aisné au regne different:
A son dernier fera cas merueilleux:
A son entree de la Gaule Belgique:
A son grand Dieu sera l'offence *
A son hault pris plus la lerme sabee,
A son retour ne dira oncq ouy.
A son retour tout pays pillera.
A son vaisseau mettra la rame,*
A son voisin, qu'il tiendra assiegé,*
6x Centuries, 3x Sixains !

Bruict, chant, bataille, au ciel battre aperceu:
Bruit d'arme au ciel: mer rouge Lygustique.
Bruit & clarté vers Aquilon tendants:
Bruit humain monstre purge expiation.
Bruit, paix de tresue, pendant l'ennemy mine,*
Bruit sera vain, les defaillans troussez:*
4x Centuries, 2x Presages !

Camp, cité neuue, my laine fort dresser.*
(G)Camp marins locustes & cousins,
Camp pres de Noudam passera Goussan ville,
Camps de deux parts conflict sera si aigre,
Here is in the 1568 edition a "G" as print - error visible !

Captif eschappé de l'aisné dans la baste:
Captif libere faulx dire & perpetrer,
Captif mené comme beste mastine
Captif mené & dressé monument.
Captifs ferrez, legers, haut bas, onustes,*
Captifs par Princes & Seigneur aux prisons:
Captifz, or, bagues plus de cent mille rubes.
Captifz sans nombre, faire defaicte, faicte,*
Captifz tout sexe deu & tout Bisance,
7x Centuries, 2x Presages !

Chef aduersaire obtiendra la victoire.
Chef Bizant du captif en Samothrace:
Chef Bizantin, Sallon de Sclauonie,
Chef d'Aries, Iupiter, & Saturne,
Chef de Fossan aura gorge coupee,
Chef de Madric receura coup de vires,
Chef de suard peuple à mort tuera,*
Chef f(r)uict, caché aux mares dans les saignes.
Chef inuenteur ses gens & luy hapé.*
Chef pour Razes ne paruiendra à bout,*
Chef seille d'eaue, mener son fils filer,
8x Centuries, 3x Presages ! print-error - fruict - must be - fuict - !

Classe agiter au port de Methelin.
Classe à mil ans la femme forcenee
Classe au grand port ne se peut acuillir.
Classe, copie, eau, vent, l'ombriche craindre,*
Classe d'Affrique aux Pannons viendra naistre,
Classe en Adrie, citez vers la Tamise,*
Classe espargie desiurez aux corsaires.
Classe espargie, sang & corps nageront.
Classe Gauloise n'approches de Corsegue,
Classe Gauloise par appuy de grande garde,
Classe par mer, marcher monts Pyrenées,
Classe Trireme contre gent Mahometique:
10x Centuries, 2x Presages !

Combat naual, honneur, mort, prelature,*
Combat nocturne le vaillant capitaine,
Combat, poussez, puissance souueraine.
Combatu l'iniure du temps,*
2x Centuries, 1x Presages, 1x Sixains !

Conflict Barbar en la Cornere noire.
Conflict donné grand peuple dubiteux:
Conflict donné Pau granci, submergé onde.
Conflict donné, peste pres de Balennes
Conflict prochain des corbeaux s'esbatans,
Conflit aupres saint Pol de Manseole.
Conflit, mort, perte: à la croix grand opprobre.
Conflit Reims, Londres, Etrusque pestifere.
Only in the Centuries !

Dame à l'absence de son grand capitaine,
Dame captiue qu'auoit la paix tissue.
Dame en apres masculin sous l'escorce.*
Dame en fureur par rage d'adultere,
Dame & Seigneurs, faits enfans orphelins,*
Dame par force de frayeur honnoree.
Dame par mort grandement attristée,*
4x Centuries, 3x Sixains !

De nuict à classe cité en poudre lasché,
De nuict au lict assailly sans les armes*
De nuict au lict assailly sans armes.*
De nuict au lict six luy feront la pique,
De nuict conduitz pour Sauone attraper,
De nuict dans lict le supresme estrangle,
De nuict par cours sortira hors du regne:
De nuict par Nantes Lyris apparoistra,
De nuict passant le roy pres d’vne Andronne,
De nuict seront assaillis & pillez:
De nuict seront les soldartz estonnés:
De nuict soleil penseront auoir veu,
De nuict tuer monts, habits de bergiers,
De nuit viendra par la forest de Reines,
12x Centuries, 1x Presages and Centurien doubles !

De sang Arabe d'Adrie couuert onde.
De sang barbare sera couuerre terre.
De sang & faim plus grande calamité,
De sang & playes & d'ennemis pressé,
De sang, feux mors noyes de coup de taille.
De sang humain arrouser terre Etrusque:
De sang nager la gent caste hyppolite,
De sang trempé la terre & mer Senoise,
De sang Troyen naistra coeur Germanique
De sang Troyen sera son mariage,
Only in the Centuries !

D’vn coup de fer tout le monde estonné,*
D’vn coup de fleche sera blessé aux cuisses,
D’vn coup de traict quand mourra l'enuieux.
2x Centuries, 1x Sixains !

Le chef de classe par fraude stratageme,
Le chef de France par sa soeur redouté,
Le chef de Londres par regne l'Americh,
Le chef de Perse remplira grande Olchade,
Le chef d'Escosse auec six d'Alemaigne,
Le chef du camp au milieu de la presse,
Le chef du camp deçeu par son langage:
Le chef du mal dessouz l’vmbre des courges
Le chef du nef prins, mis à la sentine,
Le chef fuyant sauué en marine grange.
Le chef le siege lors habandonnera.
Le chef meurtry & son filz dans la tente,
Le chef nemans qui tant sera terrible.
Le chef qu'aura conduit peuple infiny,
Le chef Romain issu de sang Gallique
Only in the Centuries !

Yeux au midy, en seins mains, corps au feu.
Yeux clos, ouuerts d'antique fantasie,

I find these last two lines particularly interesting, for the "Y" is standing at the end of the index, and here they result in a completely special sense  !
The eyes to the noon (or to the skies), the hands in the lap, the body with the fire,
The eyes closed, opened to the antique fantasie.
In short words the master describes here his end of a workday after terminated work !
He sits at the open fire, his eyes arranged to the ceiling and the hands relaxed in his lap !
Then he closes the eyes and dreams about past times !

This way a "master" looks for me, who puts after his laborious work with the "writings", the hands into the lap, and at the warm "stove" in peace again considers which he has "achieved" !

But it is called simultaneous also that the table of contents - his operating instruction - is finished and he can lean back, relaxed in his armchair !

© by Guillaume Thonnaz 2005.