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© by Wilhelm Zannoth

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Table of  contents

Nostradamus - originals
Prognosticon 1560 (German)
Pronostication nouvelle 1562
Propheties 1568 Lyon

Guillaume Thonnaz
my 3 Nostradamus - books
Reviews on my books
Propheties - comparisons
Short analysis to the editions
Orus Apollo
Orus Apollo - comparison
The Orus Apollo - manuscript
Leoninic verses
Scaliger & Nostradamus
Index & poulse
The Nostradamus grave plate

Pages under construction !
Maldoner - Malthaner
Zannoth & Fritz

Web - Links

The marble grave plate of  Michel de Nostredame

As the masters on 2 July 1566 died was his body in the church wall of his municipality to Salon immured . So that none of his opponent could trample on him, he specified it in such a way in his last will. The grave was sealed by a large marble plate with an Latin inscription.
During the french Revolution the grave was plundered and the plate destroyed.
The spelled bones of the master have been collected and inside of the church a new grave and a new marble plate - after the old sample - was made.
Today the grave is covered by the following marble plate.

to increase the pictures of this side please click on them and then back !

If we regard now this plate and compare the text with the earlier copies, then we must state that some changes have been made.
In the "Janus" by J. A. Chavigny, 1594 printed, we read the following text on page 10 + 11:

Epitaph Janus    Epitaf-Janus

The inscription which is conveyed us by his son Caesar, looks however differently.
In his book concerning the history of Provence, printed 1614, we find the following text on page 804:


If we regard the two books more exactly, then we state that the "Janus" covers 379 pages and the "history" from Caesar 1155 pages. Chavigny writes that his work contains the events between 1584 and 1589. The work of Caesar covers a substantially larger period and by the enormous quantity of pages, very much longer lasted certainly, until it was finished. In my opinion Caesar has another inscription of the grave plate than Chavigny because he begun with his large work in much former times .
Now is the question: who copied the correct text?
Caesar writes "10 days", with Chavigny is it "17 days" and in the report of the grave opening of 1688 is it "7 days"!
I, in any case, would accept that the son knows exactly, what on the grave plate of his father is written !
With Chavigny I stated in his "Janus" and also in the "Recueil" that he partly changed the verse lines; so he is less reliable for me !
It is naturally possible that the inscription between 1594 and 1614 from D. O. M. to D. M. was changed, but why then now again D. O. M. is written on the last marble plate ?

The text of the "new" plate is a mixture of the two old texts !
D. O. M.

In the Centurie 8 verse 66 we read: "Quand l'escriture D.  M. trouuee," and in the "Horapollo" on page 84 right - "Comment il appelloient les dieux Infernaulx qu'ilz appelloient manes. D. M. ", that are for me 2 clear notes that the original inscription of the grave plate was with D. M. overwritten!

But if we now regard these 2 or 3 letter of the heading once more exactly: What do they mean and how are they to be translated ?
D. O. M. is completely simple, it can only be called "Deus optimus maximus".
There itself also once "all" are united and Chavigni has the "O." also as "OPT." written. So its "the all-most powerful greatest God", there are not called any objections !
But with "D. M." the thing looks completely differently, because - after the "scholars" - "Diis manibus" = "to the pagan Gods",
or on a Christian page (new Advent) stands as explanation:
"One of the most common of the latter, "D. M." (i. e. Diis Manibus, to the protecting Deities of the Lower World), was stripped of its pagan meaning, and adopted in a rather mechanical way among the formulę of the early Christians."

Now the "scholars" say in such a way, but likewise it can be "Deus maximus" = "to the greatest God"!
Nostradamus has in his Latin "spell saying" expressly the "scholars", "astrologes" and "fools" banished and told them, "to get the hands of his texts" !

Since I'm still the firm conviction that Nostradamus used the "Steganography" for his work, I have already 2003 in my 2. volume, the heading as "Deus maximus" - "to the greatest God" interprets and I remains also today still thereby !
Also in my other contributions on these home page I already referred to the "Steganography".
The word means "hidden writing" in such a way to hide a message in a "normal text", in the fact that only the inaugurated - which knows the "code" - can find the real message !
As with each "cryptograph", it is also with the "Steganography", the starting point is a "ABC", or a "basic structure" on which the "code" is developed.
In order to be able to work now more easily on the text of the "Propheties", I'd first copy all Quatrains and arranged them exactly in an alphabetical table of contents.
The Index from "K.E. Krafft 1940" and "J. Volcker 1689"gave me a sample, since with these listings the many lines had already been noticeable to me, which began all with the same words. But naturally also the reference of Nostradamus in Centurie 10 verse 8 - "index & poulse parfondera le front" - was a point for me. I expanded these listings now, by stating all verse lines and not only the first line of a verse. Then I extended the whole again, by inserting also the verses of the "Almanachs" of the master and even the "disputed Sixains" and see there, they inserted themselves smoothly into the already existing table of contents !
This "entire - index" I translated or interpreted now, how one says better, since each translation can be only a interpretation !

Now I have however as - according to opinion of the "scholarly researchers - colleagues" - mean, made my "largest error", because these lines in the index are now torn from the "context", devoted then naturally a completely different sense and that is permissible!
That the same "scholarly colleagues", also change the texts and lines, to fit the sense of the individual verses to "their interpretation", that may is allowed to them, but only to them and otherwise no different one !

But we better leave this cruel topic and turn back again to the texts of the master !

Except the above lines with the letters "D. M." there is still another line in the "Propheties", which refer to the grave plate !
In Centurie 8 verse 28 it is called : "Au marbe escriptz prescriptz intergetez" = with the marble inscriptions, regulations put underneath.
So Nostradamus points us out, that with an inscription on a plate from marble, regulations are contained !
Also I understood and interpreted it, but only, because I removed the line from the "context"!

If we regard now the letters from the view of the "Steganography", then they can have more different meanings:
 D. M. = Deus maximus = to the greatest God
D. M. = Deus Maximes = divine rules, utterances, instructions, remarks,
D. M. = De us Maximes = to the use rules, utterances, instructions, remarks,
D. M. = De us maxim es = to the use maximer (expand) there (od. these)
In such a way can one the two letters also read and interpret and thereby a "hidden text" of the master would be found !

If we now take the words : VNIVS  OMNIVM  MORTALIVM  IVDICIO  DIGNI
unius omnium mortalium judicio digni
(all-)works mortal - fugitive
That would be then already again a "hidden instruction" of the master,
but only if one accepts the "Steganography" - "the hidden way of writing" -,
otherwise it is translated or interpreted only "wrongly"!

In my 2. book I have tried to explain my years ago discovered "system of the master", but it was not considered or was not recognized !
Today I know that this "system" carries the name "Steganography" and I can occupy the facts for it "black on white".
I did may not represent it clearly, or it is simply not yet the correct time, for a real "decoding" of the prophecies of the master.
If  I regard the different forums with the discussions, then I believe rather the latter, since still the existence of Nostradamus and his writings is on doubts !
Today we became accessible by the computer and the InterNet to each form of information.
For "everyone" are openly observable almost all writings and all research - results over the master !
But the problems begins naturally with the fact, that not all is for us written understandable in the German language, and there is none ready  to translate an existing text from a strange language. If one however then invests a quantity of time and work , then there is only criticism - wrongly translated and too expensiv !
There should anyone make it better, only once, and then we talk further !

© by Guillaume Tonnaz 2005